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Babylist Integration: Adding a Bookshelf Builder link

Updated: Oct 1, 2023

This page outlines how to integrate a Bookshelf Builder registry on Babylist. Its a great way to link your traditional registry (ie Babylist) and Bookshelf Builder so guests can see everything in one place.

Also, note that you can customize your welcome message on Bookshelf Builder to link back to your Babylist registry. This way, each registry will point to the other.

Here's what it will look like when its done (including customization):

Bookshelf Builder integrated on Babylist registry
Bookshelf Builder integrated on Babylist registry


1. Log in to Babylist

Visit, log in, and navigate to your registry.

2. Begin on "Build Registry"

On the left menu, click on "Build Registry".

Babylist left menu
Babylist left menu

3. Click the "Transfer Registry" button

On the right side of the next page, there are 3 buttons. Select "Transfer Registry".

Babylist Build Registry right-most buttons
Babylist Build Registry: Right-most buttons

4. Choose "Add Registry Link"

On the pop-up window, choose the 2nd item "Add Registry Link"

Babylist Transfer & Link Options
Babylist Transfer & Link Options

5. Choose "Another Store" and add Bookshelf Builder link

Under Select a Store, select "Another Store". Then add the Guest View link to your Bookshelf Builder registry. Be sure to use the Guest View link, not your Manage Page (the guest view link will have "registry" in the URL, whereas your Manage Page link will have "manage" in the URL). Adding text in the "additional info" box is not necessary because your guest view link points directly to your own registry. However, feel free to add your name if you'd like.

Babylist Transfer & Link Store Options
Babylist Transfer & Link Store Options

6. Click "Contact Customer Support"

You will see a message indicating you need to contact customer support. This is expected. Click on the "Contact Customer Support" button and it will send an email to Babylist with your request. You will then see a green checkmark and a message saying they received your request. We are a small company and Babylist doesn't know about us yet (but we'd be excited to partner with them one day!).

We're too small for Babylist to know about us
Babylist's customer support will complete the final step

Babylist automated email support
Babylist will email you within 6-48 hours

7. Wait for 6-48 hours

Babylist will typically respond with 6-48 hours. When you get that email, you'll see your Bookshelf Builder registry already on your Babylist registry under "Other Baby Registries". Congrats! You did it!

When the Bookshelf Builder registry appears, you have a few customization options to make it look just right for your guests. In the next section, we'll go over those options.


1. Begin at "View Registry"

2. Placement Order

Placing Bookshelf Builder at the top makes it easier for guests to (a) quickly find the Bookshelf Builder registry, especially if they are returning a second time and (b) highlight that its a different site (vs a product).

To move the Bookshelf Builder registry to the top, click on the curved arrow icon in the top left. Then, use the up/down arrows to position it where you'd like it. When you're done, click Done Organizing.

3. Title, Image & Description

Click on the "Edit" Button on the Bookshelf Builder tile. In the pop up, you'll have the option to customize the following:

  • Title: If the default works for you, leave this field as is

  • Image: Your profile picture will be the default. To change this to the Bookshelf Builder logo (which we think will make more sense to your guests), click "Replace" and use the logo image below (you'll need to save this image to your laptop/device first).

  • Notes: We recommend putting something in this field to give guests more context, such as "We have a dedicated book registry at Bookshelf Builder to track our baby books."

  • Category: Leave as is

  • URL: Leave as is

Bookshelf Builder Logo
Logo to upload on Babylist


If you have any questions or issues, email your registry manager or We'd be happy to help as this can get a bit tricky! But we also know its well worth it because getting the integration done will be so much more streamlined for guests!


Nina & the Bookshelf Builder team

Bookshelf Builder bookworm logo

A rich library is the best gift you can give a child. Bookshelf Builder is a book registry platform for baby showers, children's birthdays and holidays. Create your own book registry today!



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